Ushi’s Coffee Corner

182 West Regent Street, G2 4PQ
Opening hours: Wed/Sun 12pm – 5pm, Thurs/Fri 12pm – 9pm, Sat 12pm – 7pm. Closed Mon & Tuesday
T: 07519 534 935 /
Coffee supplier: The Good Coffee Cartel

If you are filter coffee ‘daft’ then this place is for you. This isn’t just a ‘grab a joe and go' type of place. Sit down with friends, with your laptop, with your wee ones… it really is a welcoming community space. Ushi’s is proudly vegan and queer, offering food from their wee kitchen. This coffee shop is named after the owner’s cat so you know there’s love here. You can enjoy food as well as the two filter coffee pots of the day.

Insider info: Go on a Thursday just before noon, as that is when they get their doughnuts delivered.

Snapshot: filter coffee orientated