Perch & Rest Coffee

39 Otago St, Glasgow G12 8JJ
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 8:30am – 6pm,
Sat 9:30am – 6pm, Sun – 10am – 5pm
T: 0141 341 0229 /
Coffee supplier: Multi-Roaster

This wee West End nook is a multi-roaster café, meaning they supply delicious blends and single origin coffee from home and away. They are passionate about bringing Glasgow to the world and the world to Glasgow through their thoughtful range of coffee and home brewing equipment. They supply West End-ers with a large selection of well known, renowned coffee roasters from all over Europe. Perfect for some of the nearby University of Glasgow students to have a taste of home whilst studying here.

Insider info: You can bring your own container for their refill station starting from 100g. They also have a range of high-end coffees that you can purchase by the cup, which is a huge draw for those who are limited by income but not by our taste in coffee.

Snapshot: local and global coffee