Coffee house

73 Berkeley Street, Glasgow G3 7DX
T: 0141 588 5982 /
Opening hours: Tues – Sun 9am – 7pm. Closed Mon.

Coffee Supplier: Multi-Roaster

Opening in 2015, Ottoman Coffeehouse was the dream of two siblings and one of the first speciality Turkish Coffee Houses in the UK.  They wanted a coffee shop that would build bridges between different cultures and bring people together. After travelling to Istanbul and learning the way of the black brew their dream became a reality. This is a coffee experience like no other – choose from a variety of brews including Syphon, Ibrik and Turkish. You can take home coffee from the best roasters around the world.

Insider info: Ottoman Coffeehouse is one of the only places in the UK that you can order an Ibrik coffee with rare beans. Where else can you have an espresso with a Chicken Kebab?

Snapshot: Turkish Coffee House