Tennent’s WellPark Brewery

161 Duke Street, Glasgow, G31 1JD
T: 0141 552 6552
Opening Hours: Mon – Fri 9am – 6pm

This is Glasgow’s first official brewery. They have been producing beer on this spot for over 450 years making it one of the UK’s oldest breweries. Started by Robert Tennent in 1556 who said ‘this place is perfect for brewing’, although it did not become a commercial enterprise until 1740. And then in 1745 a surprise visitor arrived. Bonnie Prince Charlie and his army decided this was the perfect place for a sleepover after their retreat from England.

By 1797 Tennent’s record their first international export… Can you guess to where? America… There are countless Scots now living across the pond and many are wanting that wee taste of hame (Glaswegian for home). The international export trade continued to grow as Scots moved around the world. Now their brand is available from John O’Groats to Singapore.

Within the facility you can currently take a tour through Tennent’s Heritage Centre, watching the mystery process happen, have a pint of the freshest unpasteurized lager from the onsite bar as well as getting that all important souvenir from the gift shop.

Tour Details: Tours cost £18 per person and run Tuesdays – Sunday.  Beer Masterclass is £40 per person and is usually the last Friday of the month. Times and dates may change, check the website for the most up-to-date information.


lager, heritage, tours